Concetta Federico

Professoressa associata di Genetica [BIO/18]
Sezione di appartenenza: Biologia animale

Prof. ssa Concetta Federico

docente di Genetica (SSD BIO/18)

Titoli di studio:

1995        Laurea in Scienze Biologiche

1996        Abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di biologo

2000       Specializzazione in "Genetica Medica" 

2002-03   Abilitazione SISSIS nella classe A059 e A060

2009        Dottorato di ricerca in Biologia Evoluzionistica

Carriera accademica:

1997-1998       Borsista presso il Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire (Prof. G. Bernardi) dell'Institut J. Monod (Université Paris VII) di Parigi

1999-2001       Assegnista di ricerca nel ssd BIO-18 (ex E11-A) Genetica presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Animale “M. La Greca” dell’Università di Catania.

2005-2010       Assegnista di ricerca nel ssd BIO-18 (Genetica) presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Animale “M. La Greca” dell’Università di Catania. 

1998-2006         Cultore della Materia nel ssd BIO-18 (Genetica)

dal 2009            Componente dell’Associazione Genetica Italiana (AGI)

2005-2014        Docente a contratto di Genetica presso strutture didattiche dell’Università di Catania: SISSIS, Corso di Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Corso di Laurea in Scienze Ambientali e Naturali, corso di Laurea Magistrale in Chimica Biomolecolare.

dal 2014-19      Ricercatore TD-a in Genetica (SSD Bio-18)

dal10-4-2018    Abilitazione scientifica nazionale II fascia nel SSD Bio-18 Genetica

Attuale Posizione accademica:

                    dal 2020            Ricercatore TD-b in Genetica (SSD Bio-18)

Principali insegnamenti tenuti

2007-2021     CdL in Scienze BiologicheGenetica 

2012-2021     CdL in Scienze Ambientali e Naturali (SAN): C. I. di Biologia, modulo di Principi di Genetica

2012-2021     CdL in Biotecnologie: C. I. di Genetica e Miglioramento genet. delle piante agrarie, mod. di Genetica

2006-2007     SISSIS di Catania: Fondamenti e Didattica della Genetica

Linee di Ricerca

Mutagenesi ambientale: test di genotossicità in vitro su matrici ambientali di varia natura. Identificazione di biomarcatori di esposizione, di effetto e di suscettibilità in popolazioni esposte ad inquinanti ambientali. 

Organizzazione del genoma dei Vertebrati nei nuclei in interfase, con particolare riferimento agli studi sull‘organizzazione del DNA genomico nelle bande cromosomiche e nel nucleo interfasico dei Primati

Organizzazione della cromatina nel nucleo interfasico durante il differenziamento cellulare e nelle cellule tumorali

Polimorfismi del DNA nell’uomo e in animali da allevamento ed entomologia forense

Il gene tau e il suo ruolo nell’invecchiamento cellulare nella neurodegenerazione e nelle taupatie

Pubblicazioni più significative

Scopus Author ID: 7004099069


  1. Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Amenta A, Saccone S, Federico C, Reibaldi M, Russo A, Bonfiglio V, Avitabile T, Longo A, D'Agata V. (2020) Protective effect of PACAP against ultraviolet B radiation-induced human corneal endothelial cell injury. Neuropeptides 79:101978.
  2. D'Amico AG, Maugeri G, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, Reglodi D, D'Agata V. (2020) PACAP Modulates the Autophagy Process in an In Vitro Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Int J Mol Sci 21(8):2943. 38.
  3. Cambria MT, Villaggio G, Laudani S, Pulvirenti L, Federico C, Saccone S, Condorelli GG, Sinatra F. (2020) The Interplay between Fe3O4 Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles, Sodium Butyrate, and Folic Acid for Intracellular Transport. Int J Mol Sci 21(22):8473.
  4. Federico C, Vitale V, La Porta N, Saccone S. (2019) Buccal micronucleus assay in human populations from Sicily (Italy) exposed to petrochemical industry pollutants. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 26: 7048-7054.
  5. Federico C, Owoka T, Ragusa D, Sturiale V, Caponnetto D, Leotta CG, Bruno F, Foster HA, Rigamonti S, Giudici G, Cazzaniga G, Bridger JM, Sisu C, Saccone S, Tosi S. (2019) Deletions of Chromosome 7q Affect Nuclear Organization and HLXB9Gene Expression in Hematological Disorders. Cancers (Basel). 11: 585.
  6. Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Federico C, Saccone S, Giunta S, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V. (2019) Involvement of A3 Adenosine Receptor in Neuroblastoma Progression via Modulation of the Hypoxic/Angiogenic Pathway. J Mol Neurosci 69(1):166-176.
  7. Sciuto E.L, Villaggio G, Santangelo M.F, Laudani S, Federico C, Saccone S, Sinatra F, Libertino S. (2019) Study of a miniaturizable system for optical sensing application to human cells. Applied Sciences 9: 975.
  8. Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Castrogiovanni P, Saccone S, Federico C, Reibaldi M, Russo A, Bonfiglio V, Avitabile T, Longo A, D'Agata V. (2019) PACAP through EGFR transactivation preserves human corneal endothelial integrity. J Cell Biochem. 120: 10097-10105.
  9. D'Amico AG, Maugeri G, Rasà D, Federico C, Saccone S, Lazzara F, Fidilio A, Drago F, Bucolo C, D'Agata V. (2019) NAP modulates hyperglycemic-inflammatory event of diabetic retina by counteracting outer blood retinal barrier damage. J Cell Physiol. 234: 5230-5240.
  10. Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Rasà DM, Federico C, Saccone S, Morello G, La Cognata V, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V. (2019) Molecular mechanisms involved in the protective effect of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide in an in vitro model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Cell Physiol. 234: 5203-5214.
  11. Federico C, Lombardo D, La Porta N, Pappalardo AM, Ferrito V, Lombardo F, Saccone S. (2018) Rapid molecular identification of necrophagous diptera by means of variable-length intron sequences in the wingless gene. J Forensic Leg Med 56: 66-72.
  12. Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Rasà DM, Saccone S, Federico C, Magro G, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V. (2018) Caffeine Effect on HIFs/VEGF Pathway in Human Glioblastoma Cells Exposed to Hypoxia. Anti-cancer Agents Med Chem. 18: 1432-1439.
  13. Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Rasà DM, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V. (2018) PACAP and VIP regulate hypoxia-inducible factors in neuroblastoma cells exposed to hypoxia. Neuropeptides 69: 84-91.
  14. Federico C, Gil L, Bruno F, D'Amico AG, D'Agata V, Saccone S. (2018) Phosphorylated nucleolar Tau protein is related to the neuronal in vitro differentiation. Gene 664: 1-11.
  15. Federico C, Leotta C, Bruno F, Longo A, Owoka T, Tosi S, Saccone S. (2018) Nuclear repositioning of the non –traslocated HLXB9 allele in the leukaemia cell line GDM-1 harbouring a t(6;7) (q23;q36). Cytogenetic and Genome Research 153: 10-17.
  16. Pappalardo, A.M., Federico C, Saccone, S., Ferrito, V. (2018) Differential flatfish species detection by COIBar-RFLP in processed seafood products. European Food Research and Technology 244: 2191-2201.
  17. D'Amico AG, Maugeri G, Rasà DM, La Cognata V, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V. (2018) NAP counteracts hyperglycemia/hypoxia induced retinal pigment epithelial barrier breakdown through modulation of HIFs and VEGF expression. J Cell Physiol. 233: 1120-1128.
  18. Federico C, Leotta C, Bruno F, Longo A, Owoka T, Tosi S, Saccone S. (2018) Nuclear repositioning of the non –traslocated HLXB9 allele in the leukaemia cell line GDM-1 harbouring a t(6;7) (q23;q36). Cytogenetic and Genome Research 153: 10-17.
  19. Federico C, Dugo K, Bruno F, Longo AM, Grillo A, Saccone S. (2017) Somatic mosaicism with reversion to normality of a mutated transthyretin allele related to a familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. Hum Genet 136: 867-873.
  20. Federico C, Pappalardo AM, Ferrito V, Tosi S,  Saccone S. (2017) Genomic properties of chromosomal bands are linked to evolutionary rearrangements and new centromere formation in primates. Chromosome Res 25: 261-276.
  21. D'Amico AG, Maugeri G, Rasà DM, Bucolo C, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V (2017) Modulation of IL-1 and VEGF expression in rat diabetic retinopathy after PACAP administration". Peptides. 97: 64-69.
  22. D'Amico AG, Maugeri G, Bucolo C, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V. (2017) Nap Interferes with Hypoxia-Inducible Factors and VEGF Expression in Retina of Diabetic Rats. J Mol Neurosci  61: 256-266.
  23.  Gil L*, Federico C*, Pinedo F, Bruno F, Rebolledo SB, Montoya JJ, Olazabal IM, Ferrer I, Saccone S. (2017) Aging dependent effect of nuclear tau. Brain Res. 1677: 129-137.*First authors.
  24. Cambria MT, Villaggio G, Federico C, Saccone S, Sinatra F (2017) Bone morphogenic protein BMP7 induces adipocyte differentiation and uncoupling protein UCP1 expression in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei. 28: 635-641 DOI: 10.1007/s12210-017-0643-x.
  25. Maugeri G, D’amico AG, La Cognata V, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D’Agata V (2017) Nicotine promotes blood retinal barrier damage in a model of human diabetic macular edema. Toxicology in vitro 44:182-189. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2017.07.003.
  26. Federico C, Pappalardo AM, Ferrito V, Tosi S,  Saccone S. (2017) Genomic properties of chromosomal bands are linked to evolutionary rearrangements and new centromere formation in primates. Chromosome Res 25: 261-276. doi:10.1007/s10577-017-9560-1
  27. Federico C, Dugo K, Bruno F, Longo AM, Grillo A, Saccone S. (2017) Somatic mosaicism with reversion to normality of a mutated transthyretin allele related to a familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. Hum Genet 136:867-873. doi: 10.1007/s00439-017-1810-y.
  28. La Cognata V, Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V. (2018) Differential expression of PARK2 splice isoforms in an in vitro model of dopaminergic-like neurons exposed to toxic insults mimicking Parkinson's disease. J Cell Biochem. 119: 1062-1073doi: 10.1002/jcb.26274.
  29. D'Amico AG, Maugeri G, Bucolo C, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D'Agata V. (2017) Nap Interferes with Hypoxia-Inducible Factors and VEGF Expression in Retina of Diabetic Rats. J Mol Neurosci  61(2):256-266. doi: 10.1007/s12031-016-0869-6
  30. Maugeri G, D’Amico AG, Gagliano C, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D’Agata V. (2017) VIP family members prevent outer blood retinal barrier damage in a model of diabetic macular edema. J Cell Physiol 232(5):1079-1085. doi: 10.1002/jcp.25510. 
  31. Maugeri G, D’Amico AG, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D’Agata V. (2017) PACAP and VIP Inhibit HIF-1α-Mediated VEGF Expression in a Model of Diabetic Macular Edema. J Cell Physiol 232(5):1209-1215. doi: 10.1002/jcp.25616. 
  32. Maugeri G, D’amico AG, Rasà D, La Cognata V, Saccone S, Federico C, Cavallaro S, D’Agata V (2017) Caffeine prevents blood retinal barrier damage in a model, in vitro, of diabetic macular edema. J Cell Biochem 118(8):2371-2379. doi: 10.1002/jcb.25899
  33. Federico C, Palmieri C, Pappalardo AM,  Ferrito V, Pappalardo M, Librando V, Saccone S. (2016) Mutagenic properties of linuron and chlorbromuron evaluated by means of cytogenetic biomarkers in mammalian cell lines. Environmental Science and Pollution Research ESPR First online: p. 1-8; DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6867-y; 
  34. Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, Rasà DM, Reitano R, Saccone S, Federico C, Parenti R, Magro G, D'Agata V. Expression profile of Wilms Tumor 1 (WT1) isoforms in undifferentiated and all-trans retinoic acid differentiated neuroblastoma cells. Genes Cancer. 7(1-2):47-58; 2016.
  35. Maugeri GD'Amico AGReitano RSaccone SFederico CCavallaro SD'Agata V. Parkin modulates expression of HIF-1α and HIF-3α during hypoxia in gliobastoma-derived cell lines in vitro. Cell Tissue Res. 364(3):465-74; DOI: 10.1007/s00441-015-2340-3; 2016.
  36. Viscuso RFederico CSaccone SBonaccorsi BVitale DG. Fluorescence microscopy study on the cytoskeletal displacements during sperm differentiation in the bush-cricket Tylopsis liliifolia (Fabricius) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Microsc Res Tech. 79(2):81-8; DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22608. 2016.
  37. Tosi S, Mostafa Kamel Y, Owoka T, Federico C, Truong TH, Saccone S. Paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia with the t(7;12)(q36;p13) rearrangement: a review of the biological and clinical management aspects. Biomarker Research 3:21. DOI: 10.1186/s40364-015-0041-4; 2015.
  38. Owoka T, Vetter M, Federico C, Saccone S, Tosi S. Detection of t(7;12)(q36;p13) in paediatric leukaemia using dual colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Hematol Leuk 3:4; DOI:
  39. Pappalardo AMFederico CSabella GSaccone SFerrito V. A COI Nonsynonymous Mutation as Diagnostic Tool for Intraspecific Discrimination in the European Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus). PLoS One. 24;10(11): e0143297.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143297; 2015.  
  40. Scuderi S, D'amico AG, Federico C, Saccone S, Magro G, Bucolo C, Drago F, D'Agata V. Different Retinal Expression Patterns of IL-1α, IL-1β, and Their Receptors in a Rat Model of Type 1 STZ-Induced Diabetes. J Mol Neurosci; 56(2):431-9. doi: 10.1007/s12031-015-0505-x; 2015.
  41. Leotta CG, Federico C, Brundo MV, Tosi S, Saccone S. HLXB9 gene expression, and nuclear location during in vitro neuronal differentiation in the SK-N-BE neuroblastoma cell line. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105481. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105481, 2014.
  42. Scuderi S, D'amico AG, Castorina A, Federico C, Marrazzo G, Drago F, Bucolo C, D'Agata V. Davunetide (NAP) protects the retina against early diabetic injury by reducing apoptotic death. J Mol Neurosci. 54(3):395-404. doi: 10.1007/s12031-014-0244-4; 2014.
  43. Federico C, Pappalardo M, Leotta CG, Minniti Z, Librando V, Saccone S. Phenylurea herbicides: chemical properties and genotoxic effects. In : Handbook on Herbicides. Editors: Daiki Kabayashi and Eito Watanabe. Nova Scienze Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. Pag 111-132, 2013.
  44. Berná L., Chaurasia A., Angelini C., Federico C., Saccone S. and Donofrio G. The footprint of metabolism in the organization of mammalian genomes. BMC Genomics 13, 174, 2012.
  45. Federico C., Motta S., Palmieri C., Pappalardo M., Librando V, and Saccone S. Phenylurea herbicides induce cytogenetic effects on Chinese hamster cell lines. Mutation Res. 721, 89-94, 2011.
  46. Librando V, Minniti Z., Perrini G., Pappalardo M., Federico C., Motta S. and Saccone S. DISTRIBUTION OF NITRO-pahs IN SIZE-SEGREGATED PARTICULATE MATTER FRACTIONS FROM AN ELEVATED CAR TRANSIT AREA. FEB. 19-10, 2282-2286, 2010.
  47. Ballabio E, Cantarella CD, Federico C, Di Mare P, Hall G, Harbott J, Hughes J, Saccone S, and Tosi S. Ectopic expression of the HLXB9 gene is associated with an altered nuclear position in t(7;12) leukaemias. Leukemia 23, 1179-1182, 2009.
  48. Federico C, Cantarella CD, Di Mare P, Tosi S, and Saccone S. The radial arrangement of the human chromosome 7 in the lymphocyte cell nucleus is associated with chromosomal band gene density. Chromosoma 117, 399-410, 2008.
  49. Costantini M, Clay O, Federico C, Saccone S, Auletta F, and Bernardi G. Human chromosomal bands: nested structure, high definition map and molecular basis. Chromosoma 116: 29-40, 2007.
  50. Federico C, Scavo C, Cantarella CD, Motta S., Saccone S, and Bernardi G. Gene-rich and gene-poor chromosomal regions have different locations in the interphase nuclei of cold-blooded vertebrates. Chromosoma 115: 123-128, 2006.
  51. Saccone S, Federico C, and Bernardi G.  Localization of the gene-richest and the gene-poorest isochores in the interphase nuclei of mammals and birds. Gene 300: 169-178, 2002.
  52. Saccone S, Pavlicek A, Federico C, Paces J, and Bernardi G. Genes, isochores and bands in human chromosomes 21 and 22 Chromosome Res. 9, 533-539, 2001.
  53. Federico C, Andreozzi L, Saccone S and Bernardi G. Gene density in the giemsa bands of human chromosomes. Chromosome Res. 8, 737-746, 2000.
  54. Federico C, Saccone S and Bernardi G. The gene-richest bands of human chromosomes replicate at the onset of the S-phase. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 80, 83-88, 1998.
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